Surah Rahman PDF | Recite Online

فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

Surah Rahman History & Benefits

Surah Ar-Rahman, often called “The Most Merciful,” is the 55th part of the Quran. It’s known for its beautiful verses that have a rhythm to them.

This part of the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad when he was in Mecca. Mecca was a tough place back then. People didn’t believe in one God, which was what Prophet Muhammad was teaching.

Now, let’s talk about the history of Surah Rahman:

When Surah Ar-Rahman was revealed isn’t exactly known, but it was during the early to mid-Meccan period. This was a time when Prophet Muhammad was trying to teach people about one God, and the leaders of Mecca didn’t like it.

Mecca was a city where people worshipped many gods. They didn’t want to accept the idea of only one God. The leaders of Mecca, especially the Quraysh tribe, were against Prophet Muhammad’s message. They made life hard for him and his followers. They even tried to stop people from listening to him and punished those who did.

Important Topics

  • Rules from God and Help God made people and taught them the Quran, helping them share their thoughts and feelings.
  • God is the ruler of all directions.
  • He made rules for the oceans, like what lives there and how ships move.
  • Everything will end except God.
  • No one can escape God’s rules.
  • Bad people will suffer in hell, but good people will enjoy heaven with beautiful gardens, water, fruits, and shy companions.

Surah Ar-Rahman and What It Talks About

This surah of the Qur’an talks to both people and jinn, creatures made of fire. It reminds everyone about Allah SWT power, His many blessings, our weaknesses, and how we’re responsible to Him. It warns against disobedience and shows the benefits of obeying God.

In other parts of the Qur’an, it’s clear that jinn, like people, can choose their actions and beliefs. They can believe or not, obey or disobey. Some jinn believe in God’s prophets and books.

Also, it shows that the Prophet Muhammad’s message and the Qur’an are for both people and jinn. It’s not just for humans. The beginning talks to humans, but starting from verse 13, it talks to both humans and jinn, inviting them to the same path.

Benefits of Surah Rahman

Surah Rahman offers many advantages when recited. People often memorize and recite Surah Ar-Rahman to help with their problems in life.

1- Surah Rahman Brings Blessings

In Surah Al An’aam, Allah SWT says:

“This is a Blessed Book We have revealed, so follow it and fear Allah SWT that you may receive His mercy.”

Reciting Surah Ar Rahman not only helps in life but also prepares for the afterlife.

The ProphetPBUH said,

“The Quran is like a lawyer and a true witness. Whoever holds it dear, will be led to Paradise. Whoever disregards it, will face Hellfire.”

2- Surah Rahman Aids Health

Every word in the Holy Quran has healing power. Reciting Surah Ar-Rahman has helped heal physical ailments. For instance, reciting it for newborns in critical condition has improved their health. Also, reciting it during serious illnesses like cancer, diabetes, kidney diseases, Hepatitis, and heart issues has shown improvement.

3- Surah Rahman for Peace of Mind

Surah Ar Rahman calms the mind, heart, and body. Reading it with understanding makes us appreciate the blessings we typically overlook.

The Prophet recited Surah Rahman to the jinn, who responded positively. They acknowledged Allah’s bounties.

4- Surah Rahman for Marriage

Strong faith can help achieve anything by Allah’s will. Reciting Surah Ar-Rahman can help fulfill the desire for marriage.

Many people read it when they’re worried about their children getting married or when they want to find a spouse. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Say Darood Sharif eleven times.
  • Then, read Surah Ar Rahman eleven times.
  • Say Darood Sharif eleven times again at the end.
  • Do this every day for 21 days. Even if there are problems with marriage or it’s taking a long time, Allah can help.

5- Surah Ar Rahman for Gratitude

Allah promises more blessings when we show gratitude. The verse “So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny” reminds us to be grateful.

6- Surah Ar Rahman for Protection

Reciting Surah Ar-Rahman protects believers from the evil eye, magic, and harm.

7- Surah Ar Rahman for Success

Success comes from Allah. Reciting or memorizing Surah Ar Rahman reminds us of Allah’s blessings and grace. Starting the day with Surah Ar Rahman can bring benefits in this world and the Hereafter.


What good things does Surah Rahman do for beauty?

Surah Ar Rahman makes people feel peaceful inside. It helps them feel close to God. If someone feels worried and wants peace, they should read Surah Ar-Rahman. In this surah, Allah talks about the beautiful things He made and the good things He gives to people.

Which part is Surah Rahman?

Surah Rahman is the 55th part of the Holy Quran. It has 78 verses. Surah Rahman means “The Beneficent” because Allah is kind and merciful in Surah Rahman.

Why is it good to read Surah Rahman 11 times?

Reading Surah Rahman 11 times helps a Muslim feel peaceful inside and solve everyday problems. Some people say reading it many times helps in marriage and healing from sickness.

Where is Surah Rahman in the Quran?

Surah Raḥman is in the 55th part of the Quran, called juz 27. It’s like the bride of the Quran. You can learn Surah Rahman online with Quran teachers.

When’s the best time to read Surah Rahman? 

The Quran and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) don’t specify a particular time for reciting Surah Rahman. In Islam, it’s good to read the Quran during the day or night, and Muslims can do it whenever they want.